Are you suffering from tooth loss? You certainly need a tooth replacement procedure. At URBN Dental, we offer professional dental implant procedures to meet your dental recovery needs. Though there are several traditional tooth replacement procedures, such as dental bridges and affordable dentures near me. The dental implant has become the most popular and permanent solution to tooth loss.

The dental implant provides a number of incredible benefits, which include longevity, ease of care, greater comfort, and natural appearance. Another benefit of the dental implant is that it prevents the loss of bone in your jaw – a benefit other tooth replacement treatments do not provide.
However, dental implant treatment involves oral surgery be completed. This means that after you had undergone the dental implant surgery, you’re required to undergo the dental implant recovery stage. Visit our dental implant page to learn more about dental implant procedures.

How Long Is The Tooth Implant Recovery Period?

On average, the tooth implant recovery period ranges from 2 to 6 months. However, this recovery time varies widely from patient to patient.
More so, the length of the tooth implant recovery period depends on some factors, one of which is the number of dental implant posts inserted into your jaw. That means the more dental implant posts you receive, the longer your tooth implant recovery period. This is because more dental implant posts require more surgical processes.

Another determining factor is whether you require prior bone augmentation or grafting procedure before the dental implant treatment. For instance, if you do not have sufficient bone in your jaw, your dentist near me would suggest that you undergo a bone grafting procedure prior to the dental implant procedure. Bone grafting is carried out to restore your bone mass so as to make your jaw strong enough to support the dental implant. Bone grafting also involves a surgical process, which means additional surgery with additional recovery time. Hence, it would also play a significant factor in the length of the tooth implant recovery period.

What Happens During the Tooth Recovery Period?

The tooth recovery period is basically the healing phase of the dental implant procedure. This period is known for the fusion of the jawbone to the implant posts. The process whereby the titanium implant post fuses to your jawbone is called osseointegration.

This osseointegration process stabilizes the implant posts in your jawbone so that they’re fixed, stable, strong, immovable, and secured in place. However, osseointegration is not an instant process but a gradual one. It occurs over time as your implant spot heals up. Generally, osseointegration takes about 6 months to be completed.

Also, during the tooth implant recovery period, your emergency dentist would schedule a regular follow-up dental visit so that he or she can monitor the progress of your tooth implant recovery and also ensure that no complications crop up.

After your recovery period, your dentist would install the final tooth restoration in case you haven’t received your final tooth restorations during the dental implant procedure.

Factors that Can Affect Your Tooth Implant Recovery

Before you leave your dentist office near me, your dentist would provide you with some aftercare instructions that would help you to handle any dental issues that may crop up after the implant surgery, such as swelling and pain.
Your dentist would also provide you with useful tips on how to properly care for your mouth, foods to eat, and foods to avoid. Observing these tips is very important to ensure that your dental implant heals properly. Here are a few factors that can impact your tooth implant recovery:

  • Consuming tobacco products: taking cigarettes or any other tobacco products can slow down your recovery. Aside from the fact that tobacco products contain harmful chemicals that may impede your healing, smoking tobacco products can also increase your risk of infections.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: excessive drinking of alcohol can also prevent blood coagulation, which will subsequently affect your healing period.
  • Your diet: what you eat during the tooth implant recovery period will also affect the healing time. Your dentist would recommend that you stick to soft and liquid foods during your recovery period and to avoid foods that are chewy, sticky, crunchy, and hard. Soft foods can be easily chewed without exerting unnecessary pressure on the dental implant. This helps to avoid unnecessary discomfort and pain. Your dentist would also recommend that you eat a balanced diet and avoid skipping meals, especially those rich in minerals and vitamins. These nutrients you derive from foods are very essential for proper healing.
  • Observe good and proper oral hygiene: it is very important that you follow good and proper oral hygiene during your tooth implant recovery. Proper oral hygiene is very necessary for eliminating any harmful bacteria that may cause infections in the implant area.

Medications during tooth implant recovery

Although the tooth implant treatment involves a surgical procedure, it requires a short recovery period and only requires the patient to take an over-the-counter medication like Ibuprofen. The tooth implant procedure does not require any serious medication.

Special Cases

Typically, dental implant procedure has a very high rate of success. Reports show that the dental implant has a 95% success rate. However, this shows that there is a 5% failure rate too. This means that there is a possibility of your dental failing if not handled by a well-trained and well-experienced dentist. Contact URBN Dentals today for a professional, successful, and long-lasting dental implant procedure.

More so, there are times when your dentist would first have to remove a failing tooth before inserting the dental implant. This will extend the dental implant process because you need to wait for the jawbone and gingival tissue to heal up before your dentist can proceed with inserting the dental implant.

However, depending on the type of implant used or on rare occasions, your dentist may insert the implant post the same day the failed tooth is removed. This would reduce the healing time and make you recover faster.

Not all patients are eligible for the dental implant procedure. Therefore, it is important that you discuss with your emergency dentist, who will investigate your dental health and condition to determine whether you are a candidate for a dental implant procedure or not.

To know more about dental implant procedures, visit our dental implant page. If you have any questions about dental implant procedures or tooth implant recovery, don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more.

How Long is Tooth Implant Recovery Process ultima modifica: 2019-01-12T11:54:42-06:00 da Houston Dentist